In the Year 2525 – Physics-ology

(Reposted from Huffington Post by Ariaa Jaeger )


There is a modality so foreign to human beings that it is rarely written about or discussed and yet it is the definitive technology of the future. It does not need lithium batteries, it does not require remote control, you do not have to eat, drink or take it in pill form and it does not have a caloric value. It is not the stuff of fantasy but is rooted in science.

The future will be created with this technology and every new invention that furthers the progress of humanity will be born from it. It will not be contained, owned or controlled by greed mongers, politicians or burglars and it is not a commodity which will be traded for profit. There will be a host of studies on those who wield it with expertise and the greatest minds in the world will not be able to contain its rapid growth nor will they be able to control it. Eventually science will validate its authenticity and accuracy. This remarkable thing is not a toy or something to take lightly, on the contrary. It is not a gimmick and it cannot be activated by those who live the illusion of power, money, greed, ego and control.

It is a way of life and one must commit completely and fully to living in a way that most will scoff at for lack of understanding. Sages throughout time have utilized it successfully but it does require honing several other skills first; mindfulness, meditation, taking personal responsibility, selflessness, ridding yourself of ego and the lower emotions which limit you or would have you bend the laws of intention, these are just a few of the elements which must be employed in order to access this timeless tool. What hastens and ignites this phenomenon is thought, intention and imagination.

What I speak of is known by many names; mind over matter, transcending human frailty, Christ consciousness, divine mind, cosmic consciousness, the enlightened mind, living without limitation or willpower. In essence it is simply transcending the laws of the physical and material worlds and as you delve deeper into quantum mechanics, you understand the relationship between consciousness and manifestation.

Atoms have no physical structure thus we have no physical structure. Atoms are not made out of tangible matter but are made of invisible energy. Everything in the universe is energy. Like a fingerprint is unique to a physical body this vortex of spinning and vibrating energy comes complete with its own unique energy signature. In essence, our consciousness, which is partially comprised of our beliefs, perceptions and attitudes, create the world you experience every day. The energy of love without an agenda, transfers light which then becomes matter and produces frequency and subsequently becomes wave. We can convert energy into matter and matter into energy but without the element of love, science is missing the complete formula. Now of course scientists do not factor in what they perceive is a human emotion; however love is energy and how it is wielded, even in thought, produces a wave of energy which emanates from your physical body. You’ve heard “change your thoughts to change your life,” there has never been a truer statement.

Consciousness has another key ingredient and that is the memory of every impactive event ever lived throughout every lifetime. Does that mean on a conscious or even subatomic level you remember everything you have ever done in every lifetime? Yes and no. The more aware and awake you are spiritually, the more aware you become of memories from the roles you have lived and the events which shaped your beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and personality. All of it factors into the reality you are creating today. If you do not meditate or practice some form or pro-active mindfulness, you are unaware of some of the very elements which bind you in limitation today. Past or present life fears, judgements and beliefs have to be addressed and healed in order to move beyond the physical realm or else they continue to draw you backwards.

Has there been anyone in the history of mankind who has ever reached and lived this level of consciousness? Yes there has been. Jesus, Buddha, Yogananda, Sai Baba  and many unknown or unnamed students of quantum physics have lived it in part, parcel or fully. It is apparent that these tools would be so effective in a multitude of areas, offering solutions that are other-worldly, so why haven’t more employed this sage wisdom?

The reasons are obvious: discipline or a lack of it; implementing knowing or certainty, which supersedes confidence and ego; a lack of focus, which seems to be a modern day anomaly, compounded by technology, social media and sound bites, which have shortened attention span. Additionally, 21st century humankind has become accustomed to “instant gratification” and in some cases laziness is the preferred path over challenging the mind and extending beyond three dimensional realities. Often, people are more concerned about looking like a fool or being perceived as crazy, more than they are with pioneering new ways of existing and coexisting peacefully.

Sustaining a limitless consciousness and implementing this powerful wisdom, is initially very challenging but like anything, with practice, it becomes first nature. With so much being destroyed by governments, politics and greed mongers, now more than ever is the time to raise the bar, use your mind, awaken your spiritual gifts, fend for yourself and overcome all of it.








The Road Beyond Conscious Un-Coupling

A Love Story

Ariaa Jaeger

It began with God as everything in my life does.

I began getting messages through automatic writings in June 1991.

The messages were specific; a man with salt and pepper hair, from a foreign country, who loved classical music, named Michael would soon become my husband.

I told everyone who would listen, even my skeptical family, who to say the least loved God but did not believe he actually spoke to anyone, much less about something as mundane as an impending marriage.

On the morning I was to sing a few solos at my tiny little church in N. Hollywood, I was besieged with immense grief. I had been at the hospital the night before with 15 others, singing my friend of more than 20 years, Jim, into heaven.

As I stood before the congregation of about 100 people, all of them shared my pain. Jim was also a member…

View original post 1,791 more words

Past Lives-Present Loves – The Heart Cord Connection


As a lifelong intuitive/psychic I have helped people access who they have been in other lifetimes which affect their current relationships. Karma, (the law of cause and return); dharma, (the soul’s purpose this lifetime) and lessons are a few of the many reasons we continue to link up with souls we have known and loved before.

I recently had a client who at 32 years of age was afraid to marry the man she was in love with. They had been together for years and they loved each other so much but she was paralyzed with fear when it came to considering marriage.

One of my many gifts is “seeing” who my client is integrating at the time they are feeling the fear or other strong emotion. In her case, I saw 4 people she had been which were now predominantly in her energy field.  Most people integrate between 3-5 personalities at a time and if they meditate daily, they receive information on who and what they have been and done which is on the table to be looked at today.

You see at any time in your life you begin to merge certain personalities from previous incarnations which does several things. First, it is to heal whatever happened to you either emotionally or physically in that life/those lifetimes and secondly you integrate the strengths and gifts from previous incarnations causing you to be MORE of what you are. I have known clients who suddenly began painting or suddenly composed classical music or took up fashion design when they came into their awakenings. Getting in touch with who you have been additionally helps you attract previous lovers and soulmates back into your life so you can either continue or heal and repair the past.

In my client’s case, her fear was based on their last lifetime together. They were on a large ship and when it capsized he drowned but she and her child survived. The love between them was so strong, the pain of loss so deep, the heart cord so connected that she died a few short years later and was afraid he would die without her again. In fact I uncovered that they were soulmates and had a “death pact” to always die at the same or close to the same time and they had in every single lifetime…they will in this one too. Many times she was the one who died last so her fear was valid today. We had so many validating signs from Spirit and the angels, even finding pictures of them in the 1800’s in that lifetime and they look almost the same in this one. The work I have done with both, the psychic predictions and accurate information which came through, has helped both immensely be at peace with their lives today.

Both are in new relationships yet their love for each other continued to impact and infect the new relationships. Getting back together was not in their present but it is in their future…most likely in the last 20 years of their present day life, which has brought great comfort to both of them. This time around, on some soul level they decided to experience more than just each other so they are doing just that now. Their heart cord is so connected that even if they moved to different countries and lost track of each other, they would find each other in the end again.

There was a recent story on Good Morning America about twins who were adopted by different families at now at 9 years old they found each other and have been reunited. When the heart cord is connected it is impossible to not connect…you will, it’s inevitable.

That should bring many of you comfort when searching for your soulmate or twin soul. You don’t have to push or strive to find them. If the heart cord is connected they will reappear when you least expect it and when you are NOT looking.

It is impossible for you to escape connecting with your soulmates, twinsouls, those you have karma with, those you will learn from and those who were important figures to you in other lifetimes.

If you would like to learn more on past lives and your soulmate (s) get in touch with me, I’m here to help.

brings wisdom beyond her years and profound energy to the personal development arena. Her insights into human behavior, emotional well being and intuitive cellular memory facilitate healing and personal transformation and her coaching abilities have attracted people around the world for 24 years. Ariaa is known as a leading authority in the areas of human behavior, spiritual psychology, psychic phenomenon, mind over matter principles, guided meditations and as an intuitive counselor. Her clientele includes Academy award winning actors, Fortune 500 CEO’s and people from all walks of life and all beliefs. Her original quotes have inspired millions in social media for more than 6 years even being featured on CNN and in Huffington Post’s “16 People on Twitter Who Inspire the World”. Her name is consistently linked with Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, The Dalai Lama, Eckart Tolle, Donald Walsch, Doreen Virtue and Adayashanti. Her prayers are widely known in the spiritual community and it is said that anything she prays for another, inevitably always comes true. Her energy has been instrumental in generating the reversal of sickness and diseases and her custom meditations are widely sought after for their profound effects in targeted areas such as healing, sleep, financial issues and a host of other topics.
In June 2016 Ariaa was invited to contribute her voice to the Huffington Post and in July she signed with Gary Brown, Koru Inc. former COO of Geddes Group, known for his contributions to famed photographer Anne Geddes meteoric rise.

Her books, “Ariaaisms Spiritual Food for the Soul” and “The Book of Ariaa Quotes for a Luminous Life” have both hit the Bestseller level on Amazon.

To book an appointment or for a free consultation visit Ariaa’s website at


A Seed of Doubt


So you’ve been using spiritual laws like attraction, giving and intention and yet nothing has come of it yet. Why? The most important reason, seeds of doubt. As I work with clients everyday I am reminded of how many doubt themselves and how few have the discipline to control their thoughts. In fact many think their thoughts are controlling them. Discipline, practice and implementation are the formula for creating. There are 4 levels to creation: 1.) Thought or idea; 2.) Spoken or written word, prayer, affirmations, journaling: 3.) Gratitude, giving thanks as if it is already done. 4.) KNOWING, without a doubt it IS DONE and never letting one doubt creep in.
One seed of doubt undoes everything you have poured into your creation…just one seed. Remember, your life is your creation, you are not a victim to any of it. That is a lot to wrap your brain around but when you comprehend the amount of power within and you start making healthy, loving, intelligent and spiritually aligned choices, you can have all you dream of. When you blame others for your own choices, you lower your frequency and are subject to the limits you have imposed upon yourself, not to mention the karma of falsely blaming someone else.
Some choose to walk I choose to fly and those who practice KNOWING do just that, soar. Your life is only as big as you dream it to be. In spirituality, when you start doubting anything you lose everything.

Ariaa Jaeger Spiritual Life Strategist, Professional psychic,
(Now is the time to book a reading for the new year. Visit my website at

World Animal Day


Today is #WorldAnimalDay and most of you know that I am a passionate animal rights advocate of more than 30 years. This is an excerpt from my bestselling book, “Ariaaisms Spiritual Food for the Soul” and seems a befitting way to educate all animal owners and potential owners. Please read and share so the end of animal abuse comes in our lifetime. Bless all the creatures of earth and sky.

“You were entrusted with a life but carelessly left the door open and ensured a painful death for your cat as foxes and coyotes ripped it apart.

You were entrusted with a life but you used shock therapy to stiffen the barks of a creature that is designed to bark.

You were entrusted with a life but you left chocolate and Christmas ribbon which is toxic to dogs laying around.

You were entrusted with a life but you rode your dog in the back of your pickup never realizing he would become a living torpedo when you had that fender bender.

You were entrusted with a life but you ripped the finger nails out of your cat because it suited your needs but left that baby traumatized and defenseless if your cat ever had to get away from a predator.

You were entrusted with a life but you feed your cat right next to his toilet, the litter box.

You were entrusted with a life but you left your dog out in the bitter cold with one thin blanket in a drafty shack you call a doghouse.

You were entrusted with a life but you locked your dog in a kennel for long periods of time because you were uninspired to train it.

You were entrusted with a life but you spanked your dog when he had to pee and had no way to get out on his own, as if he was supposed to hold it.

You were entrusted with a life but you left your kids and grandchildren pull its tail and ride on his back.

You were entrusted with a life but you gave your furry baby away when it became inconvenient for you to keep it or when you had to move and didn’t make allowances to take your baby with you.

You were entrusted with a life yet you didn’t secure the gate when high winds came through and a car found your dog before you could.

You were entrusted with a life….. Do not get a pet if you cannot be responsible enough to ensure its needs are met, that it has food, fresh water, a warm bed, a safe environment and a loving home for the duration of its life.”


How can folks give pets away when they have raised them up?
With allergies and excuses which make you want to chuck.
I hear it from the folks I love and from those I don’t know
I see it on the TV and it always hurts my soul.

I feel an animal is love and God entrusted it to me
To feed and love and care for ’till his soul has been set free.
I can’t imagine ever giving my babies away
I can’t imagine how they’d feel if abandoned like a stray.

And yet I see it every day those people who don’t see
All animals have feelings, I am sure you can agree.
They were not put upon this earth to endure human strife
If you’re going to get one then its best you heal your life.

Heal all those neuroses which can undermine your pet
You pass it on through osmosis then live with the regret.
For when your baby gets disease or sickness look and see
You’ll realize you passed it on energetically.

“Pets are not disposable objects and should not be acquired if you can’t keep them for the entire duration of their life”. Ariaa Jaeger Spiritual Life Strategist, Global Thought Leader,